Web 2.0 – What is it good for?
Spending a lot of time recently playing with technologies which might be described as Web 2.0. Trying to get a handle on what can be used for innovative teaching and learning as part of my ALTC project, Learning in Networks of Knowledge. Am thinking that mostly these technologies don’t do a lot we might not already be able to achieve, but that, in some cases, they are incredibly useful. The difficulty is knowing which ones are in which category, without actually trying them out!
Also, it seems to me, there are always several different instances of the same basic technology; knowing which one to use is hard; knowing, also, which ones are just ‘upstart-ups’ (start ups ready for buyout and not likely to continue because a big player – Google? – will grab them) can be tricky.
Am making progress on a moderately annotated list of these via the Netstudies bookmark collection.